Katja Iversen has authored op-eds and commentaries on ESG-related issues published in the Guardian, Huffington Post, The British Medical Journal, The Guardian, the Telegraph, El Pais and countless other media outlets.
She has been a guest in various podcasts and radio programs, and been featured or quoted in a myriad of news outlets and magazines like The New York Times, The Washington Post, The BBC, Al Jazeera, The Lancet, Voice of America, The Guardian, Reuters, The Associated Press, The Times of India and most Danish media.
In 2018 she published a successful book on Women, Networking and Leadership, and over the years she has contributed essays and content to various other books and publications.
She is also active on social media.
“Purpose is a powerful driver – for the world, companies and individuals alike”.
– Katja Iversen
– Katja Iversen